Aster makes a decision with confidence!!!

Hello and welcome to another week of AATF! This week it’s extremely snowy and cold outside (been vacillating between -7 and 10 degrees F for the past few days). This is not surprising for this time of year, but it is disappointing. I’ve officially turned into a hibernating bear as a result, spending my free time sleeping under like three blankets. Unfortunately, this free time is limited due to work (yay capitalism) and this comic, so here I am.

Today’s fun fact is that I ripped part of the backgrounds from stock photos of the night sky. Funny enough, most of the stars that are in these photos probably don’t exist anymore, because light takes forever to travel across space to reach us! So I am making y’all stare at ghost stars…at least it’s Aestheticâ„¢

Comic Characters


Comic Storylines

Chapter 1