Rakhi’s never been more relived for a girl to reject her touch before, lol

Happy New Year! I hope that the holidays went well for y’all, and that 2025 has been good to you so far. This year is going to be a tough one on multiple fronts for many people, but I’m going to make the most of it. My goals for this year, Art wise, are:

1. Wrap up Chapter 2 and develop and launch Chapter 3 with a nice long buffer. Chapter 3 is gonna ramp up the plot of the sorry and begin to explain more of Aster and her family’s backstory, and I want to make sure I’ll get it right!

2. Teaching myself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to do some front end web development projects. For secret reasons…that may or may not be relevant to this comic…

3. Work on more illustrations. I haven’t had the time for much illustration work since I started AATF, and I lowkey miss it. Also I feel like I need to draw more illustrations for Engagement TM. Maybe some holiday or crossover illos…

What will your goals be for 2025? Tell me in the comments 😀

Comic Characters


Comic Storylines

Chapter 2